Principal's Thoughts

Dr. Paarull Sharma Principal
ॐ अज्ञान तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानञ्जन शलाकाया चक्षुर उन्मिलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः
I often wonder what made me choose this passion called teaching. After much pondering, I can humbly say that this passion chose me. Thirty two years of learning with the young minds has made me evolve as a human being. The positive energy that the students exude has filled my soul with bliss. It has been a two way learning process with every batch teaching me something new and memorable. Children are full of curiosity, hence we as mentors need to be updated and ready to answer their queries. Over the decades there has been a sea change in the learning teaching methods. The schools have become Hi-Tech and the teachers have started relying heavily on technology. However, I believe, it is the bond between the teachers and pupil, the warmth of love, understanding and respect that sets the stage for actual learning. The recent pandemic proved the importance of traditional school with students and teachers meeting each other without the obstruction of the screen. School is not only a temple of learning but a play field for the young minds to discover themselves. It is the play house where children learn the art of sharing, caring and loving each other. It is here that the future citizens of the country learn the societal values and develop empathy which is so crucial for peaceful co-existence and societal harmony. The responsibility of caring and shaping young minds is humongous yet rewarding for mentors like me who has seen the young fledglings grow into confident young adults writing their success stories on the global canvas. In this age of AI and social media our children are losing their compass. They are alone among millennia of virtual friends. In this era of reel taking over real it is the teachers, the “Gurus” on whose shoulders rests the responsibility of keeping the future of this country grounded by constantly charging the compass of moral values with their lessons on ethics and righteousness. Teaching is not a job it is an honourable work of love by likeminded people who believe in spreading the light of knowledge.